Workshopped as a staged reading for June of 2022. An existential dark comedy about the last dinosaurs alive after the asteroid wiped out the rest–lots of talk about survival, tragedy, and, worst of all, being a vegetarian.
Full scale production in the works.
The series of performances for the fringe helped guide our ideas of what we wanted the tone to be for the show, where we were lacking and what we were curious about.
Concept art and merch ideas:
Proof of concept. Various designs centering dinosaurs being petty and playing with how to frame the title.
Cyanotype testing out lettering. Red, orange, and yellow sun-sensitive ink on muslin.
various approaches to the title’s design, including dominant hand and nondominant hand scribbles, and a larger semi-gothic style lettering.
Stamp process.
Carved design into a rubber slab to make a stamp for stickers, shirts, and more.
Stamp trials.